Happy Holidays!

Wishing Everyone a Peaceful Season

NOTE: We apologize for any disagreeable advertisements that may appear below. TSCOR has no control over what advertisements are shown. We are in the process of moving to a new platform with more control. Thank you for your understanding.

Happy IVM Day!

International Volunteer Managers (IVM) Day is celebrated every year on 5 November and is a time to recognize and thank those who enhance and enable the spirit of volunteering. I want to thank our staff for all their wonderful work with our volunteers – you are awesome! And in honor of this day, I post below my personal mission statement written as a requirement for my Certification in Volunteer Administration (CVA). 

Happy day to ALL Volunteer Engagement Professionals!!! – Julie

I truly found my calling when I embarked on a career in volunteer administration. I come from a mission minded family and my faith is the guiding force in my life. I believe that we are here to serve others whenever possible.

Volunteerism is at the heart of everything that is good in our world. Volunteers are driven by their moral values and compassion to make the world a better place. Volunteers transform the dynamics of the workplace.  They are not there to make money. They are there to make a difference and I want to be there to facilitate their efforts. It is my philosophy that they must be actively engaged. Volunteers need to feel that they are truly a part of an organization and its mission.  Being a volunteer myself, I honestly believe that I know what is needed to support and sustain a volunteer program.

I find that when the daily grind of the office gets me down, it is interacting with my volunteers that give me inspiration and a renewal of purpose that keeps me going.  I am a people person and am energized by working with these individuals I call angels on earth.  At the end of the day it is rewarding to know that I have been a part of bringing a change for good to my community and to humankind.


OU Will Meet Monday (Columbus Day)

Columbus might be resting from his journey, but we aren’t!  Open University will meet Monday, October 8th (Columbus Day), as usual.

The lunch topic is Richmond’s Top Ten Best-in-the-Nation Art Things. We will see you there!

For the full schedule, Click HERE.

Updated 2018 Fall Schedule

Due to different computer software versions here in the office, the schedule that I posted yesterday cut out the Feldenkrais class.  This will not do because Feldenkrais is so popular and we will indeed offer it again this year!

The correct version is available by clicking HERE and all links have been updated on our website.  Sorry about that.

Thank you to those who let us know – Julie